Sundar Pichai says Google employees need to get together in physical spaces to accomplish growth plans
When the two tech giants Facebook and Google announced remote work strategies throughout the year 2020, it was surely the word on the street for all the employees. We are not known how the companies will emerge from the coronavirus crunch, but yes, brands are still emphasising on the work-from-home culture.
In an interview with Wired, the CEO of Google and Alphabet, Sundar Pichai was asked the same question. As in, how Google is adapting to this kind of WFH model. Pichai in response to the question, says: “Once we realized this was going to be bigger than any of us imagined, two quick thoughts: First, how do we keep our employees safe?
So as early as we possibly could, we had to move the company to a distributed, global, work from home model. Second, in some ways Google and Alphabet were built for this moment. We are here to provide people information, help them in moments where they need help. So we realized it was important to step up our products and services but also the help we can give to communities and institutions.”
Source: India Today