PK Banerjee passes away after battling illness, leaves void in football
KOLKATA: At around 5.10 pm, the lifeless figure of Pradip Kumar Banerjee was placed on a makeshift platform in the park in front of his GD block residence at Salt Lake.
Sitting beside him were his daughters Paula and Purna, and brother Prasun Banerjee. A few metres away, a host of former players who ruled Indian football in the 1970s and 1980s, stood as if frozen in time, as a hundred-odd admirers paid their last respects.
PK, 83 – the life and voice of Indian football for over five decades – breathed his last on Friday at a city hospital after a month-long fight with illness.
“He was suffering from multi-organ dysfunction and sepsis. We put him on ventilator support for more than two weeks and tried to revive him. But despite our best efforts, it was not possible,” Dr Kunal Sarkar, a member of the medical team set up to oversee his treatment, said. The end came at 2.08 pm.
Source: Times of India